{title:Your Great Name(OS066)(CS232)} {subtitle: Capo on 2, Key=A} {comment:Verse 1} Lost [F#m]are saved, find [D]their way at the [A]sound of your great [E]name All con[F#m]demned feel no sh[D]ame at the so[A]und of your great na[E]me Every fe[F#m]ar has no pl[D]ace at the so[A]und of your great na[E]me The en[F#m]emy he has to le[D]ave at the so[A]und of your great na[E]me {start_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus} [D]Jesu[A]s wor[E]thy is the La[F#m]mb that was sl[D]ain for u[A]s, S[E]on of God and [F#m]man You are hi[D]gh and lifted [A]up and a[F#m]ll the world will pra[E]ise your great n[D]ame [A][E] {end_of_chorus} {comment:Verse 2} All the w[F#m]eak find their str[D]ength at the sou[A]nd of your great n[E]ame Hungry so[F#m]uls receive gr[D]ace at the so[A]und of your great na[E]me The fathe[F#m]rless they find their re[D]st at the so[A]und of your great na[E]me Sick are hea[F#m]led and the dead are rai[D]sed at the sou[A]nd of your great nam[E]e {comment:(Chorus)} {start_of_chorus} {comment:Bridge} [E]Redeemer[F#m] My healer L[D]ord Alm[A]ighty[E] [E]defender[F#m] My Saviour Y[D]ou are [A]my K[E]ing (x2) {end_of_chorus} {comment:Chorus} {tag:CommunionOS} {Key: A}